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Positive Consequences of Company-Sponsored Customer Satisfaction Surveys


报告题目:Positive Consequences of Company-Sponsored Customer Satisfaction Surveys

报告人:张绪兵 副教授

时间:2023720 上午10:00-11:40


邀请人:张闯 教授


  Company-sponsored customer satisfaction surveys may inadvertently influence customers attitudes and subsequent behaviors through their mere participation in the survey. This phenomenon, known as the mere-measurement effect, has been explored in the literature: however, little research has examined how the MME may vary based on past product performance. This research first investigates the dependence of the MME on past product performance using data from a securities brokerage firm. The dataset contains a random sample of customers who participated in company-sponsored customer satisfaction surveys and another sample who were not contacted for the surveys. The analysis results show significant positive MMEs, as evidenced by increases in the number of transactions volume, and purchase volume of other products in subsequent periods. Moreover, these positive effects are greater for customers who previously experienced a loss compared to those who experienced a profit gain. Thus, participating in company-sponsored satisfaction surveys can have performance-dependent positive effects on consumer behaviors. Next an experimental study using taxi service scenarios is conducted, which confirms the same asymmetrical performance-dependent positive effects. Further analysis of the experimental data suggests that the increased trust towards the sponsoring company serves as a mediator for the positive effects of customer satisfaction surveys.


  张绪兵现任香港理工大学管理与营销学系副教授(终身教职),他在加拿大多伦多大学商学院获得博士学位,研究领域主要集中在营销渠道、零售、B2B品牌、定价和竞争策略方面,尤其关注价格匹配保证、多渠道零售策略、在线图书定价、营销渠道中的保修、价格讨价还价、预售、客户关系管理、社交媒体中的消费者行为等议题。张绪兵副教授的研究成果发表于 Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing, Management ScienceIndustrial Marketing Management等国际顶级期刊。

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